Why you should put your phone down
And pay attention
Wherever you are at any given time of the day or night, or whatever you are doing, the chances are that you are never too far away from your mobile phone. We use it for sat nav, timekeeping, schedules, staying in touch with friends and loved ones, it is an essential tool that helps our day run smoothly. Well, at least that is the main purpose. Phones can also be used to influence us in a good or bad way and change our viewpoints and perspectives. They can lure us with advertising and catchy deals, or change our minds about something in a heartbeat. But while we are glued to our phones, what else is happening around us
From the invention of the first mobile brick phone, mobiles have become our lifelines. They are the fastest way to get messages and information out there quickly on mass. Whether it be bad news about a loved one or the arrival of your new grandchild, or the latest news about national and worldwide crises such as Covid, mobiles are the new communication method. But they also have a downside.
With news and media flooding our phones so fast, this inadvertently distracts us from what is happening around us. We are engrossed by that man tripping up in that Facebook video, or scrolling through our timelines. Maybe you are bidding on an auction or hoping your new online venture has made some money. Whatever it is you are doing we fail to pay attention to our surroundings and end up missing out on so much in life.
What are the downsides of too much mobile use?
- Lack of human connection
- fatigue
- trouble sleeping
- misinformation
- irritation
- laziness
- bad health
- effects your hearing
- takes away your focus
- makes you unproductive
- bad eyesight
- depression
mobile phones have the power to change us for the better or for the worse
To understand the power of the mobile we need to start by looking at what we are allowing our children to be a part of. This can start at an early age when we give our children their first mobile phone. From the get-go it’s like you just handed your kid a giant bag of crack and said here, dig in. Anya Kamenetz who is an education correspondent for NPR points out that just over half of American children 53 % have a cell phone by the age of 11 and 84% of teenagers as well. With an endless array of knowledge and undesirables lurking in the shadows, it is one massive responsibility to give our children.
How the mobile changes us
Over time we have become accustomed to technology and our phones. We have lost the connection to the real world. Gone are the days where we would look up something in the encyclopedia, or go to the library to do a bit of research. Instead, we take the easy way out and type something on the phone. We have become busier and less tolerant of people, and we are easily led by the power of suggestion through media. We now have adults that have grown up with the internet and are unable to relate to unplugging to regenerate. Through no fault of their own, this has created a society of anxious young people who need an instant fix, like, or follower.
Why we need to unplug and put the mobile down
It is important to unplug because it gives you grounding. It allows you to not be distracted by the world and its influence and it forces you to be present in the moment. It means your child or spouse will have your full undivided attention. Without your mobile, you can create your own world as well as be a part of it in real life. You are able to create your own boundaries and experiences that are not a by-product of social or software engineering.
So give it a shot. Step away from your mobile phone. Do half an hour or half a day. Whatever suits you. But be present in the moment.